
How Do You Clean A Matted Cat With A Razor Blade Without Taking Them To The Animal Place

Next to napping in the sunshine, grooming may very well exist one of your cat's most dearest activities.

Cats typically spend up to l percent of their waking hours on preparation, frequently adopting yoga-similar positions to ensure that every pilus, from whiskers to tail, is meticulously groomed.

Consequent, thorough grooming is important for cats' overall health. Information technology removes dirt, expressionless skin cells, and parasites. It distributes oils in their pare to proceed their coats silky smooth.

However, sometimes a seemingly insignificant knot in your cat'due south hair tin can develop into a disordered, tangled mess. That can throw off your pet's normal grooming regimen and may even expose them to health risks. And so here'south everything you need to know nigh matted true cat hair and what to practise about information technology to keep your pet salubrious and thriving.

Why Do Cats Get Matted Hair?

Large ragdoll cat sitting on bench outdoors with matted cat hair

When fine strands of cat pilus go knotted and tangled, they often turn into densely entwined mats that refuse to separate. Matted cat hair tin form a noticeable clump in your pet's fur.

"When cats groom themselves, their tongues, which are full of tiny barbs, remove the dead hair," explains Samantha Bell, true cat behavior skilful for All-time Friends Fauna Social club. "Mats are caused by excess expressionless pilus getting trapped nether the top coat and combining with the oils in the cat's skin to grade a hard, crude, painful lump."

Cat stretching outside on a patio

Mats tend to announced in places that are hard for cats to reach (such as the back) and are more common in areas where there is a lot of friction (similar the armpits), according to Bell.

Matted cat hair not just looks unsightly, it can cause your cat a lot of discomfort because the skin is pulled so tightly. The tangled clumps besides prevent airflow to the skin, which may cause skin irritation and—in severe cases—fifty-fifty pb to infection. If the fur around a cat's anal region gets matted, it can trap urine and carrion, increasing the risks of parasites and infection.

Long haired cat sitting on owners' lap

Some cats are more decumbent to matted hair than others, according to Sheila Bailey, veterinary banana at San Diego Humane Society.

"Well-nigh cats are very efficient at preventing mats through cocky-training," says Bailey. "Simply many long-haired or elderly cats need extra assist from their owners to keep their coats well maintained and mat-free."

Persian cat looking away from camera outdoors

The reason? Enquiry shows that it's harder for long-haired breeds like Persians to access layers of their fur closest to the peel (1). That makes their coats "united nations-groomable" and, without some grooming help from their owners, their fur is actress decumbent to matting.

Certain medical weather can also increase the likelihood cats will take disordered fur. Bailey notes that cats with arthritis may find it more difficult to accomplish all areas of the body for self-grooming. Other illnesses that cause your true cat to experience lethargic or uncomfortable could likewise cause them to under-groom.

"A sudden change in grooming habits tin can exist an indicator that information technology is fourth dimension to visit your regular veterinary," she adds.

How to Get Mats Out of Cat Pilus

Owner brushing cat with wide tooth comb

The nigh of import tip to recall when information technology comes to removing matted cat hair is this: Go deadening. Attempting to rummage out mats too quickly could hurt your cat (and may brand them reluctant to sit down still for future grooming sessions). If your cat has multiple mats in his or her fur, wait to devote multiple training sessions to removing them.

For minor, relatively loose mats, get-go by spritzing the area with a detangling spray formulated for pets. And so use a wide-toothed rummage to loosen and remove tangled fur. With one manus, concord the hair below the mat, close to the peel. And with the other mitt, move the brush gently through the mat, making sure to avoid or minimize pulling on the hair as much every bit possible.

Cat being shaved at the groomers as has matted cat hair

Larger mats may demand to exist shaved off with clippers. A veterinary or professional cat groomer can frequently remove them quickly and efficiently, without stressing your cat out too much. Depending on the size and severity of the matting, as well as the disposition of the true cat, some pets may require sedation in order to remove larger mats.

Regardless of the size of the matting, Bell offers an important caution: Practise not use scissors.

"Often, you can't come across information technology, merely their sparse peel can be so entwined in the mat that you will likely slice the skin and hurt the cat," she says. "I've seen many well-meaning true cat volunteers try to cut off a mat and find they've injured the true cat quite seriously."

Grooming Tools Needed for Matted True cat Pilus

Large rag doll cat sitting in house waiting to be groomed

When it comes to matted cat hair removal, some tools are better than others. Bailey recommends slicker brushes to remove loose hair and wide- and fine-toothed combs for loosening and working through mats. If the mats are severe, remember to skip the scissors and use clippers to remove disordered true cat hair instead.

"Clippers with an adjustable blade can help remove tightly matted hair close to the peel," Bailey says. "Be certain to read the clipper instructions to get the all-time result and to prevent cutting the skin. And employ repose clippers to subtract the stress for the cat."

How to Preclude Matted Cat Hair

Cat being brushed by owner to prevent matted cat hair

It's much easier to preclude matted cat fur than information technology is to remove established mats. Bailey suggests starting a regular grooming routine when cats are kittens to get them used to being brushed.

"If your cat is not thrilled with brushing, start with very cursory grooming sessions—just one or two strokes—that immediately ends when yous notice signs of stress," says Bell. "Advantage them with their favorite care for or wand toy later grooming sessions so they see it equally a positive ritual."

Fish oil supplement capsules

Supplements may too aid prevent matted fur. Bailey suggests talking to your veterinary most fish oil supplements and omega-3 fatty acids to improve skin and coat wellness. "Routine veterinarian checkups tin can also help identify skin and coat problems before they get out of control," she adds.

Feeding your cat a nutritious, counterbalanced diet that helps them maintain a healthy weight tin also aid prevent disordered fur.

Large long haired cat sitting on couch

 "Weight direction is important," Bailey says. "Cats that suffer from severe obesity may discover it difficult or incommunicable to cocky-groom effectively."

Prioritizing prevention with regular grooming, vet intendance, a nutritious diet and supplements are essential. Merely if your cat does get matted fur, interim speedily (but gently) to remove mats before they abound bigger volition ensure that they tin maintain good wellness and return to their regularly scheduled cocky-grooming routine.


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